Deutscher Hängegleiterverband e.V.
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Technical data

GIN Bolero 6 S
ManufacturerGIN Gliders Inc.
Type test reference noDHV GS-01-2275-17
Type test standards appliedLTF NFL II-91/09 und NfL 2-60-14 , EN 926-2:2014, LTF NFL II-91/09, EN 926-1:2006
Date of certification18.05.2017
Holder of certificationGIN Gliders Inc.
GIN Bolero 6 S
Limits of operation
Class addition
Total weight in flight75 - 100 Kg
EN-Total weight in flight75 - 100 Kg
Number of seats1
Winch towingYes
Inspection interval36 Mo / 200 h, 24Mo 150 h, 24 Mo 150 h..
Training suitability (according to manufacturer):Suitable for training
Projected area22.88 m2
Weight of glider without bag4.7 Kg
Material of upper surfaceDominico Tex Dokdo 30DMF / Dokdo 20DMF
Material of lower surfacePorcher Sport 9018 E65
Line materialsLine of lowest section: Liros TGL 220, GinGliders GinGliders TGL180, Liros TGL 220, GinGliders GinGliders TGL180, GinGliders TGL125
Line section 1: GinGliders TGL125, GinGliders TGL145, GinGliders TGL125, GinGliders TGL145
Line section 2: GinGliders TGL80, GinGliders TGL125, GinGliders TGL145, GinGliders TGL80
Safety notes