Deutscher Hängegleiterverband e.V.
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Safety note

SubjectParaglider Skywalk Chili3 L DHV GS-01-2010-13, Skywalk Chili3 XS DHV GS-01-2011-13, Skywalk Chili3 XXS DHV GS-01-2012-13, Skywalk Chili3 M DHV GS-01-2017-13, Skywalk Chili3 S DHV GS-01-2018-13
Addendum to the safety advisory of 18.10.22

After further research and information, we have decided in consultation with the DHV to extend the safety notice of the CHILI 3. 

Since safety is the highest priority in aviation, in addition to the LTC 80 line, which is already torn at every check, the line strength of the LTC 65 and LTC 45 line in the outer area of the A or B plane must also be additionally checked.

Skywalk Safety Notice