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Safety note Finsterwalder Paralock paragliding carabiner

SubjectFinsterwalder Paralock paragliding carabiner
Finsterwalder has published a safety notice for the "Paralock" paraglider carabiner.

Operation of the FINSTERWALDER Paralock 3 paraglider carabiner in conjunction with a speed system is now only permitted in a locked state.

When operating the Paralock 3, it has been found that in certain situations, accelerator ropes that are not under tension can wrap around the release button in such a way that the unlocked Paralock 3 may fail to open when the accelerator is activated.

If the Paralock 3 is operated with an accelerator system, it must therefore always be locked before starting in addition to the normal locking mechanism. In the event of an emergency or imminent emergency, the Paralock 3 can be unlocked and opened under load in a matter of seconds.

Safety Note