Deutscher Hängegleiterverband e.V.
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SubjectHarnesses Niviuk Arrow and Niviuk Arrow P

sample test numbers (as far as traceable): PH_317.2020, PH_407.2023

Some reserve parachutes are not sufficiently fixed in the very spacious harness container. These can move, twist with the connecting line or open. This can make it difficult or impossible to deploy the reserve parachute.

Check and safety measures

Users of the aforementioned harnesses are requested to open the harness container and check the position of the reserve parachute container. If the reserve parachute container is insufficiently fixed and can change its position in the harness container (rotate, tilt, swing back and forth), there is a safety problem. The harness should not be used in this configuration. Instead, users should contact the manufacturer for a technical solution (

Safety message from the manufacturer

Niviuk is requested to publish a safety message including a solution for repair/rework in a timely manner