Deutscher Hängegleiterverband e.V.
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Airworthiness advisory Paraglider harness, harnesscarabiner
Paraglider harness, harnesscarabiner
One harnesscarabiner Parafly Automatic by Austrialpin broke while starting a paraglider.
This carabiner has been used permanently over a period of three years in DHV testflights. After a material investigation it turned out that in all probability the nickel-chromium surface finishing initiated cracks to the aluminium-carabiner material. Over the period of use the cracks within the aluminium-carabiner material increases and resulted finally in the total failure of the carabiner.
In agreement with the manufacturer AustriAlpin the DHV has decided on the following precautionary safety measure:
All harnesscarabiners Parafly Automatic by Austrialpin, which surface finishing is made of a bright chromiumsurface must not be used anymore. (see pictures)
This type of harnesscarabiner is available with different surface finishing, exclusively affected on this problem are the one´s with the bright chromiumsurface. In case of any doubt, in identifying the defective carabiner with the bright chromiumsurface, the manufacturer Austrialpin, Industriezone C 10, A-6166 Fulpmes, e-mail:
, Tel.: 0043-5225-65248-0 has to be contacted.
The airworthiness instruction comes into force when published in the NFGH (paragliding and hanggliding news). The safety measures must be carried out before the next flight with the equipment.
Gmund, den 14. Dezember 2001
Klaus Tänzler
Managing Director