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Safety note Paraglider harness, Pin Lock Carabiner Finsterwalder GmbH

SubjectParaglider harness, Pin Lock Carabiner Finsterwalder GmbH

After short usage the closing mechanism on a Pin Lock Carabiner became defect. Closer inspection showed that the pin center had become internally detached from the closing mechanism due to deficiencies in production.

By improved quality controlling during production further occurances of this defect are to be ruled out. Defects are possible in a few of the carabiners produced after 21.06.2005. The defect cannot be outwardly observed: definative controlling can only be performed at the Finsterwalder GmbH factory. Finsterwalder GmbH will perform this check free of charge on all carabiners sent back for inspection.

Failure of the carabiner when in use can be prevented through close observation of the handbook: Check that the carabiner pin sits firmly in place in the carabiner by pulling on the pin head without pressing the pin center. This check must always be performed prior to take off.

Dipl. Ing. Thomas Finsterwalder,
Finsterwalder GmbH,
81247 München