Deutscher Hängegleiterverband e.V.
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Airworthiness advisory

SubjectAll Glider Harnesses with emergency equipment container integrated at the back and "Sup Air Airbag"

During the routine checking of a glider harness with a built in harness protector of the type "Sup`Air Airbag" it was shown that the approx 5x5 cm large velcro (hooked side of the velcro) that is sewed into the reverse side of the protector can rub through the harness material in the area of the emergency parachute container integrated into the back of the harness and this in turn can lead to damage to the emergency parachute.

In agreement with the model type supplier Aerosport International GmbH the DHV has decided on the following precautionary safety measures:

All harness protectors of the type pattern "Sup`Air Airbag" (sizes 10, 12, 14, 17cm) that are built into the back of an integrated emergency equipment container the hook side of the 5x5 cm large Vel-cro must either be detatched or covered with the mating (material) side of the Velcro of the same dimensions

This airworthiness instruction came into force when it was published in the News for Paragliders and Hang Gliders (NfGH). The safety measure must be carried out before the equipment is flown again.

The Velcro required for this modification can be obtained, free of charge, from the respective seller of the "Sup`Air Airbag". If there is damage or significant wear in the fabric of the glider harness in the area of the Velcro the company Aerosport International GmbH, Grafenstr.26, D-83094 Brannenburg, Germany Tel, +49 (0) 8034 1034, Fax +49 (0) 8034 3384, e-mail info@aerosport is to be informed.

Gmund, 24 February 1999

Martin Jursa DHV/OeAeC Technical Department