Deutscher Hängegleiterverband e.V.
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Warning Hangglider Laminar 12 Easy DHV 01-0378-02
Hangglider Laminar 12 Easy DHV 01-0378-02
Major differences in trimming setup values to those given in the certification documentation have been noted during routine checks of two Icaro 2000 Laminar 12 Easy hanggliders. Both hanggliders were also retested on the DHV test wagon and it was determined that their pitch values were just adequate. Both gliders had been used for several years and had also been routinely re-checked at check centers. In order to be able to judge whether flying characteristics and classification of this model of glider trimmed as sold by the manufacturer correspond to those recorded at certification the DHV requires such a glider to test fly. The manufacturer has as yet not provided the DHV with such a glider. The DHV wishes to inform all owners of Icaro 2000 Laminar 12 Easy hanggliders of the current state of affairs: it has not been verified that gliders trimmed and sold by the manufacturer have flying characteristics and a classification corresponding to the certified version.
Gmund, 31.10.2013
Karl Slezak
Manager, Technical and Safety Department DHV