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DHV Test report LTF 2003

Skywalk Cayenne 3 L
Type designationSkywalk Cayenne 3 L
Type test reference noDHV GS-01-1836-09
Holder of certificationSkywalk GmbH & Co. KG
ManufacturerSkywalk GmbH & Co. KG
Classification2 GH
Winch towingYes
Number of seats min / max1 / 1
Skywalk Cayenne 3 L
 Behaviour at min weight in flight (95kg)Behaviour at max weight in flight (120kg)
Take off1-21-2
Inflationevenly, immediatelyevenly, immediately
Rising behaviourcomes over pilot delayedimmediately comes over pilot
Take off speedaverageaverage
Take off handlingaverageaverage
Straight flight22
Roll dampingaverageaverage
Turn handling22
Spin tendencyaverageslight
Control travelaverageaverage
Symmetric stall22
Deep-stall limitaverage 60 cm - 75 cmaverage 60 cm - 75 cm
Full stall limitaverage 65 cm - 80 cmaverage 65 cm - 80 cm
Increase in steering poweraveragehigh
Front collapse1View test video1-2View test video
Opening behaviourspontaneous, quicklyspontaneous, delayed
Asymmetric collapse2View test video2View test video
Turn tendency90 - 180 degrees90 - 180 degrees
Change of course180 - 360 degrees180 - 360 degrees
Rate of turnaverageaverage
Max. roll/pitch anglegreater than 45 degreesgreater than 45 degrees
Loss of altitudehighhigh
Opening behaviourspontaneousspontaneous
Countersteering an asymmetric collapse2View test video2View test video
Stabilizationcountersteering easycountersteering easy
Control travelaverageaverage
Control pressure increaseaverageaverage
Turn in opposite directioneasy, no tendency to stalleasy, no tendency to stall
Opening behaviourspontaneous, delayedspontaneous, delayed
Full stall, symm. exit22
Spin out of straight flight1-21-2
Spin out of turn1-21-2
Spiral diveNote concerning spiral dives with paragliders22
Spin tendencyaverageslight
Exitturn continues through < 180 degreesturn continues through < 180 degrees
Sink rate after 720 °[m/s]1114
B-line stall1View test video1View test video
Big ears11View test video
Recoveryspontaneous, quicklyspontaneous, quickly
Landing behaviouraverageaverage
Front collapse (accelerated)2View test video1-2View test video
Opening behaviourspontaneous, delayedspontaneous, delayed
Asymmetric collapse (accelerated)2View test video2View test video
Turn tendency90 - 180 degrees90 - 180 degrees
Change of course180 - 360 degrees180 - 360 degrees
Rate of turnaverageaverage
Max. roll/pitch anglegreater than 45 degreesgreater than 45 degrees
Loss of altitudehighhigh
Opening behaviourspontaneousspontaneous
Big ears accelerated1View test video1View test video
Recoveryspontaneous, quicklyspontaneous, quickly