Deutscher Hängegleiterverband e.V.
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Testreport LTF 2014

Type designationPHI CONCERTO 36
Type test reference noDHV GS-01-2394-18
Holder of certificationPapesh GmbH
ManufacturerPapesh GmbH
Winch towingYes
Number of seats min / max1 / 2
 Behaviour at min weight in flight (120kg)Behaviour at max weight in flight (240kg)
Test pilots
Reiner Brunn
Reiner Brunn
Harald Buntz
Harald Buntz
 No releaseNo release
Rising behaviourSmooth, easy and constant risingSmooth, easy and constant rising
Special take off technique requiredNoNo
Special landing technique requiredNoNo
Speeds in straight flightAA
Trim speed more than 30 km/hYesYes
Speed range using the controls larger than 10 km/hYesYes
Minimum speedLess than 25 km/hLess than 25 km/h
Control movementAA
Symmetric control pressureIncreasingIncreasing
Symmetric control travelGreater than 65 cmGreater than 65 cm
Pitch stability exiting accelerated flight
Not carried out because the glider is not equipped with an accelerator
Pitch stability operating controls during accelerated flight
Not carried out because the glider is not equipped with an accelerator
Roll stability and dampingAA
Stability in gentle spiralsAA
Tendency to return to straight flightSpontaneous exitSpontaneous exit
Behaviour exiting a fully developed spiral diveAA
Initial response of glider (first 180°) Immediate reduction of rate of turnImmediate reduction of rate of turn
Tendency to return to straight flightSpontaneous exit (g force decreasing, rate of turn decreasing)Spontaneous exit (g force decreasing, rate of turn decreasing)
Turn angle to recover normal flightLess than 720°, spontaneous recoveryLess than 720°, spontaneous recovery
Symmetric front collapse AA
EntryRocking back less than 45°Rocking back less than 45°
RecoverySpontaneous in less than 3 sSpontaneous in less than 3 s
Dive forward angle on exitDive forward 0° to 30°Dive forward 0° to 30°
Change of courseKeeping courseKeeping course
Cascade occursNoNo
Folding lines usednono
Unaccelerated collapse (at least 50 % chord)AA
EntryRocking back less than 45°Rocking back less than 45°
RecoverySpontaneous in less than 3 sSpontaneous in less than 3 s
Dive forward angle on exitDive forward 0° to 30°Dive forward 0° to 30°
Change of courseKeeping courseKeeping course
Cascade occursNoNo
Folding lines usednono
Accelerated collapse (at least 50 % chord)
Not carried out because the glider is not equipped with an accelerator
Exiting deep stall (parachutal stall)AA
Deep stall achievedYesYes
RecoverySpontaneous in less than 3 sSpontaneous in less than 3 s
Dive forward angle on exitDive forward 0° to 30°Dive forward 0° to 30°
Change of courseChanging course less than 45°Changing course less than 45°
Cascade occursNoNo
High angle of attack recoveryAA
RecoverySpontaneous in less than 3 sSpontaneous in less than 3 s
Cascade occursNoNo
Recovery from a developed full stallAA
Dive forward angle on exitDive forward 0° to 30°Dive forward 0° to 30°
CollapseNo collapseNo collapse
Cascade occurs (other than collapses)NoNo
Rocking backLess than 45°Less than 45°
Line tensionMost lines tightMost lines tight
Small asymmetric collapseAA
Change of course until re-inflationLess than 90°Less than 90°
Maximum dive forward or roll angleDive or roll angle 0° to 15°Dive or roll angle 0° to 15°
Re-inflation behaviourSpontaneous re-inflationSpontaneous re-inflation
Total change of courseLess than 360°Less than 360°
Collapse on the opposite side occursNo (or only a small number of collapsed cells with a spontaneous re inflation)No (or only a small number of collapsed cells with a spontaneous re inflation)
Twist occursNoNo
Cascade occursNoNo
Folding lines usednono
Large asymmetric collapseAA
Change of course until re-inflationLess than 90°Less than 90°
Maximum dive forward or roll angleDive or roll angle 0° to 15°Dive or roll angle 0° to 15°
Re-inflation behaviourSpontaneous re-inflationSpontaneous re-inflation
Total change of courseLess than 360°Less than 360°
Collapse on the opposite side occursNo (or only a small number of collapsed cells with a spontaneous re inflation)No (or only a small number of collapsed cells with a spontaneous re inflation)
Twist occursNoNo
Cascade occursNoNo
Folding lines usednono
Small asymmetric collapse accelerated
Not carried out because the glider is not equipped with an accelerator
Large asymmetric collapse accelerated
Not carried out because the glider is not equipped with an accelerator
Directional control with a maintained asymmetric collapseAA
Able to keep courseYesYes
180° turn away from the collapsed side possible in 10 sYesYes
Amount of control range between turn and stall or spinMore than 50 % of the symmetric control travelMore than 50 % of the symmetric control travel
Trim speed spin tendencyAA
Spin occursNoNo
Low speed spin tendencyAA
Spin occursNoNo
Recovery from a developed spinAA
Spin rotation angle after releaseStops spinning in less than 90°Stops spinning in less than 90°
Cascade occursNoNo
B-line stall
Not carried out because the manoeuvre is excluded in the user's manual
Big earsAA
Entry procedureDedicated controlsDedicated controls
Behaviour during big earsStable flightStable flight
RecoverySpontaneous in less than 3 sSpontaneous in less than 3 s
Dive forward angle on exitDive forward 0° to 30°Dive forward 0° to 30°
Big ears in accelerated flight
Not carried out because the glider is not equipped with an accelerator
Alternative means of directional controlAA
180° turn achievable in 20 sYesYes
Stall or spin occursNoNo
Any other flight procedure and/or configuration described in the user's manual
No other flight procedure or configuration described in the user's manual
Supplementary remarks  
 B line stall not possible (force).