Deutscher Hängegleiterverband e.V.
LBA-anerkannte Prüfstelle für Hängegleiter und Gleitsegel
Equipment datasheet Gleitschirm
Datasheet No.: DHV GS-01-1320-05
Version: 0
Date: 03.02.2005
Type test
Equipment type example: Join´t
Manufacturer: Skywalk GmbH & Co. KG
Date of type test certificate: 03.02.2005
Type test standards applied: LTF NFL II-35/03
Characteristics and limits of operation
Weight (without bag kg): 10.4
Min. / max. weight in flight (kg): 140 / 230
Min. / max. number of seat: 2 / 2
LTF-Classification 1-2 Biplace
Accelerator: No
Trimmers (manually operated): Yes
Area (projected) (m²): 37.26
Winch tow: Yes
Other peculiarities:
Periodic inspections interval: 24 Mo
User's manual as approved on 1.1.05